torsdag 3. desember 2009

Dreams on a blackboard

Temaet som min gruppe fikk var Youth & Dreams.

På gruppe med Wanda, Susanne, og to studenter fra Pathshala, Vashkor og Labib hadde vi alle problemer med å finne ut hva vi skulle ta bilder av. Vi satte oss ned og tok en liten brainstorming, og etter hvert kom ideene frem. Min ide gikk ut på å ta bilder av mennesker som tegnet eller skrev en drøm de hadde på en blackboard som jeg hadde kjøpt.

These two you boys told me they dreamt about getting a big house and a car.
They didn't say much, but they knew what they dreamt of. 

I want to live a peaceful life.
That was all he said.

A very young fisherman was busy selling fish at a market near the river side.
I walked up to him and stood there for a while to gaze at what he was doing.
Eventually I asked him what kind of dreams he had. He didn't smile for a second.
He told me he wanted money. I asked him again if there was anything else he wanted,
but money was all he said.

As old as he was, he walked up to me and asked me what I was doing.
He talked in Bengal and my very bad English translator wrote down his dream.
He dreamt of a big house and a nice car.

I told him to write down a passion or a dream he had, a passion he wanted to fulfill.
He then wrote that he wanted to help helpless people in hard times.

This teacher had quite an interesting dream.
He told me he dreamt of quality education for young people, and more
respect for the teachers. 

I met this man in a park. I told him to draw down a dream on my blackboard.
He sketched down Bangladesh and told me he loved his country and dreamt
of better living standard for all people in Bangladesh.

A young man was selling all kinds of fish at a huge fish market. I asked him what his one
and only dream was. He told me he dreamt of a better life.

Bangladesh, Dhaka.
En fantastisk opplevelse!

Anders Haugland Pedersen


Pool World

Mitt tema var entertainment og jeg valgte å lage en serie på den lokale biljardklubben, Pool World. Så her har jeg hengt med gutta, spillt biljard, røyka, gambla og tatt bilder. I storyen min vil jeg vise miljøet i klubben og hvordan ungdommen der underholder seg selv. Generelt er jeg veldig godt fornøyd med turen og det har blitt masse bilder og opplevelser. Andre bilder kommer på

Lagt inn av Vegard.


Jeg har hatt temaet youth and sport, og har tatt bilder av cricket. Jeg har tatt bilder av både de professionelle spillerene og de som spiller bare for gøy (eller for penger).

Jeg slet fælt med å få lagd en historie, men fikk masse cricketbilder. Til slutt plukket lærerne ut en slags story av bildenene mine med tema movement & expression, som jeg sa meg enig i. Uansett, dette er de bildene jeg ble mest fornøyd med.

- Jenny

FInal Story

Her er min slutt story fordi som er interessert.
Jeg valgte da boxing som sport. Det var litt vanskelig siden Dhaka bare har ett boxing team, og de egentlig var på ferie. Men etter mye om og men fikk jeg tak i boksere. Først en bokser og to trenere, og senere to boksere og en trener.

I tillegg til å være på ferie var "Mohammad Ali Boxing Stadium Bangladesh" under "Re-construction" så derfor ble det boxing i gata. Noe som var veldig gøy.

Har derfor kalt serien min for streetboxing.

My name is Eirik, And this is my story.
Er ikke helt sikker på om det kommer i riktig rekkefølge. Men det er iallefall bildene. ;)

Bilde over er det jeg stilte ut på utstillingen.

I etterkant av turen

Da er gjengen tilbake på Bjerkely igjen, men Bangladesh er fortsatt i tankene våre.

Her er mitt faglige resultat fra turen, bildeserien vi har jobbet med. Under hvert bilde er det en caption som forteller om bilde og driver storyen fremover. Teksten er på engelsk, siden workshopen har foregått på engelsk. Bruk f.eks Google Translate hvis du vil ha det på norsk.

Jeg har jobbet på en muslimsk internatskole med kun gutter. Etter rundt en uke der er dette hva jeg har å dele.

Madrasha Darul Ulum Tahfijul Quranil Karim
Topic: Youth and Education / Student: Mats Estensen
Mats Estensen © 2009

This Madrasha is one of the smaller Islamic boys’ schools in Dhaka. The 90 students in the school differ from about 6 to 18 in age, and are divided into five classes. To me, the school is actually one of the most hospitable and open environments I’ve ever experienced.

This crying young student was one of Md. Salman’s closest friends and came to the first school day of the week knowing that his friend was going to go through a kidney transplant the very same day. The transplant went wrong and the school lost a great student.

The students study the Quran every day as a part of the Islamic Studies. A transcript of the Quran is handed out to the students instead of the whole book. These transcripts contain selections of an Arabic Quran with a Bengali translation, easier for the students to understand.

Learning and practising together is something that is highly valued at the Madrasha. In most of the subjects, the students use collaborative methods of learning. One class may be only a few students at the time, so the learning is at a much more personal level than in the typical school class.

As a school in the middle of a poor part of Dhaka, most of the students derive from a lower class family. For some of them, a family is just a vague memory from their early childhood before they were sent away as orphans. The Madrasha gives many a home where they can live their life in a decent condition, with educational options included.

Between classes the students sleep, relax and wash themselves. The students also take personal responsibility to do their chores as well. Except for the food, rest of the tasks a school requires is covered by the students’ work.

The students are learning Bengali, Urdu, Farsi, Arabic and English language. There are different methods of learning to the different students’ skills and level. Repeating the alphabet is one method of learning for the very youngest students.

To see how the students socialize and interact throughout the time I spent with them was an wonderful and interesting experience. Spending all the day together, the students bond in a unique way, different from a regular school. Education, friendship and fellowship are firmly linked with each other through the Madrasha.

This Madrasha is a beautiful place with a lot of love and kindness to it. I’m happy I got the chance to experience it, and share a small part of it through the photographs in this story.

/Special thanks to

Imtiazul Haque, Pathshala
Salma Abedin Prithi, Pathshala
Abdur Rahman, Madrasha teacher
Md. Al-Emran Hossain, Madrasha teacher

All the students at Madrasha Darul Ulum Tahfijul Quranil Karim

In memory of Md. Salman - 2000-2009
Student of Madrasha Darul Ulum Tahfijul Quranil Karim